{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Restaurant", "name": "台北法式餐廳", "url": "https://restaurant.tue.com.tw/", "image": "https://restaurant.tue.com.tw/adv1.jpg", "description": "台北法式餐廳提供地道的法式料理美食,讓您的味覺享受一場美食之旅。", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "台北市大安區四維路42號", "addressLocality": "台北市", "postalCode": "106", "addressCountry": "台灣" }, "telephone": "+886-2-2707-9586", "openingHoursSpecification": [ { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification", "dayOfWeek": [ "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ], "opens": "12:00", "closes": "15:00" }, { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification", "dayOfWeek": [ "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ], "opens": "18:00", "closes": "22:00" } ], "priceRange": "$$$", "servesCuisine": "法式料理", "menu": "https://www.patrick-atelier.com/delicious.php", "acceptsReservations": true, "hasMap": " https://goo.gl/maps/rhCR8KPKwr8nKLA76" }
  • 法式餐廳
  • 台北法國餐廳

french cuisine Taipei

服務項目 : french cuisine Taipei

french cuisine Taipei - Introduction:


Located in quiet alley of Taipei, L’Atelier de Patrick offers you a great place to enjoy French cuisine. For many years of experience making French dishes, we dedicated ourselves to becoming not only a fine dining restaurant but also an “atelier”, a place to value the precious art of French cuisine in Taipei.


For every menu we provide, L’Atelier de Patrick discreetly ensures the quality and the taste of the food. We insist on top level, authentic French gourmet, choosing ingredients freight from local places in France to design and plan our cuisines and menus in exactly traditional ways. Our chief had long term internship in the central restaurant of LENÔTRE and in the famous Michelin 3-star French restaurant Le Pré-Catelan, making him a qualified icon of French cuisine. Moreover, L’Atelier de Patrick dedicates ourselves to pleasuring every guests with local music and decorations, embodying them in a fine French vibe at the same time savoring fine dishes.


Anniversaries, birthday celebrations and all the other activities are all very welcome. To shelter yourself from hustle and bustle in Taipei, please contact us for a decent French cuisine and make a reservation as soon as possible. You will definitely experience far more than what you assumed!!!!


For more details, please visit our website:https://restaurant.tue.com.tw/